
Saturday, 23 December 2017

My Pepeha

My Pepeha,
Ka tangi te titi 
ka tangi te kaka
Ka tagi hoki ahua tihei mauriora

Ko Motatau te Maunga
Ko Taumarere te Awa
Ko Ngatokimatawhaurua te Waka
Ko Mohinui te Marae
Ko ngapuhi te Iwi
Ko ngatihine te hapu
Ko Delina Ahua......


  1. Kia Ora Delina,

    What a beautiful pepeha. Thank you so much for sharing it with us on your blog as part of the Summer Learning Journey programme. I am working with Dani and Georgia this year on the SLJ and we are having a great time reading your posts and learning more about you and about this awesome country that we call home.

    I think that we're really lucky to live in New Zealand, don't you? I was just talking to my son, Aronui, the other day about it. He is learning his pepeha at the moment. His whanau are from the Ngaruawahia area so his awa is the Waikato and his iwi is Tainui. Hopefully one day he and I will have the chance to go to Northland to see the Taumarere river and Motatau maunga for ourselves.

    Wishing you and your whanau a Merry Christmas and a happy new year!


  2. You have the same maugna as me

    1. Kia Ora Mahuta,

      That is so cool! I was actually just driving past Taupiri this morning on the way back to Auckland. Our family went to Raglan for New Years so we drove right back Taupiri on the way down and the way back. Today there were dozens of people gathered on Taupiri. I think that they were attending a service...

      Wishing you and your whanau all the best for a great 2018!

      Bye for now,
      Rachel :)

  3. Hi there Delina,

    Jade F here from the Summer Learning Journey team. Thank you for sharing your pepeha for your SLJ task. I really enjoyed reading it. I’m actually from the Nga Puhi tribe as well so we have a very similar pepeha! Like my maunga is also Ngatokimatawhaurua! Have you said your pepeha out loud to people before? It is a wonderful way to introduce yourself and practice Te Reo.

    Looking forward to hearing from you soon and keep up the amazing work!

    All the best,
    Jade F :)
