
Thursday, 23 August 2018

Taumarere Awa

This week I have been learning about Taumarere. It was easy at the start until I got confused, then I understood. The easy part was starting. The hard part was getting confused and trying to understand, but the important this is that I finished and this is my work.

Project Island

Today I have been researching about Project Island, Project island is where my class and another class is going. I have been researching on how you get there and how long it takes to get there. Here is my work that I did.

Tuesday, 14 August 2018


So today I have been learning about roman numerals, It was hard at fist to understand but as I learnt. I understood. The easy part was helping others understand, The hard part was trying to make them understand. If you understand how to do roman numerals then try guess what this says.

Try guess what this says